A large jetliner flying over a mountain range

Achievements Showcase

Celebrating innovation, leadership, and success through numerous awards and hackathon victories in technology.

Achievements Overview

A summary of my notable accomplishments and recognitions.

Academic & Professional Awards
  • Earned multiple Boeing Pride and Cash Awards for innovation, critical thinking, technical prowess, leadership, and team collaboration.

  • Secured approval for three patents at Boeing, following successful submission, review, and approval of invention disclosures.

  • Secured 1st place in the I2P 2023 Hackathon, AI/ML CANDI Land Hackathon and the FinOps Hackathon.

  • Achieved 2nd place in the BMSCE Robotics and AI Hackathon, and Boeing Global AI Hackathon 2024.

  • Won 3rd place in the 3rd IDEx Hackathon, and Boeing Global AI Hackathon 2023.

  • Project "Krishi Udhyog" selected for government funding.

  • Earned recognition as the “Intern of the Year” at SGI Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

  • Triumphed in the Swayam Hackathon and Bangalore Krida Tennis Championship, both securing 1st place.

  • Claimed victory in the Meridian Fitness Boxing Championship and secured 4th place in the Karnataka State Boxing Championship.

  • Placed 2nd in the Karnataka State Tennis Championship.

  • Placed 2nd in the Karnataka State Tennis Championship.

  • Received recognition for community service contributions as part of the Rotaract Club at BMS College of Engineering.

  • Honoured with the Dean’s Merit List Award for academic distinction.

  • Received the "Best Innovative Project Award" for final year engineering project at BMS College of Engineering.

  • Earned the "Student Innovator Award" for contributions to technical research and innovation.

  • Honored with the Bangalore Social Worker Award and DR APJ Abdul Kalam Humanity Award.

  • Recognized with the Public Eye for Social Impact Award and the Covid Warrior Award by Karnataka State Police.

  • Awarded the Sadhakarige Sanmana Award and the Mother Teresa Award.


Founder, Mane Thindi

Founder, Mane Thindi

March 2023 - Present

  • Established a restaurant specializing in authentic South Indian cuisine.

  • Inclusive Employment: Hired and provided work opportunities for individuals from marginalized and underrepresented communities.

  • Pandemic Adaptation: Pivoted business model to focus on delivery services, ensuring continuity during challenging times.

  • AI-Driven Customer Analytics: Implemented AI technology to personalize customer recommendations and enhance customer experience.

  • Leadership & Resilience: Demonstrated adaptability and resilience by successfully managing operations amidst the pandemic.


  • Award for Culinary Excellence: Recognized by the Bangalore Culinary Association for promoting traditional South Indian flavours with a modern touch.

  • Best Inclusive Business Initiative: Awarded by the Bangalore Chamber of Commerce for efforts in providing employment opportunities to underprivileged communities.

  • Top Delivery Service Innovation: Recognized by Swiggy and Zomato for successfully adapting the business model during the pandemic.

  • Entrepreneur of the Year (Hospitality): Presented by the Karnataka Business Awards for leadership and innovation in the hospitality industry.

Professional Achievements Gallery

Showcasing my innovative accomplishments and professional awards